Let’s do something fun!

Rec Room

A shared container for recreation, hobbies, and play.

Sometimes it’s difficult to actually do the fun things we say we want to do — especially if those fun things involve the sometimes un-fun experience of being a beginner, or being bad at something.Rec Room aims to make that easier by providing space and company (synchronously and asynchronously) for recreation. It’s like co-working, but for fun! Body-doubling for hobbies!

Activities you might do during your Rec Room time: Read, video games, watercolor, draw, roller-skate, scrapbook, learn to embroider, cook, juggle, study Latin, garden, dance, write poetry, Tarot, claymation, watch a comedy special, play piano, roll around on the floor.

The Container

Four 60-minute video call sessions and an optional group chat thread for connecting around activities that aren’t screen-friendly.


10:30 AM Pacific / 1:30 PM Eastern
Saturday June 1st, 8th, 22nd, 29th

No session on 6/15


The full price for this season of Rec Room is $45.If that price point would prevent you from joining, I'm also offering discounted spots at $25.If you want to join and both of those prices would be a hardship, I'm also offering pay what you can and free slots, just contact me to claim one.I really want you to be there, and I don't want money to be the reason you aren't.


- A weekly fun-memo! It's like a short pep talk for recreation.
- Rec Room playlists! In case you're looking for a soundtrack to your play!
- Bonus time! The room will be open for 15 extra minutes after our session ends. Use that time to clean up your craft supplies or wrap up your project or socialize!
- Activity ideas! I'm putting together a big list of activities you might want to do with your Rec Room time. Treat it like a bucket list, hang it on your wall for inspiration, play activity roulette and pick something random to do - whatever you want!
- Prompts! If you're not sure what you want to do with your Rec Room time, I'll provide some prompts ahead of time to help you decide how you want to spend your time.


Rec Room is meant to be fun, so don't worry about things like having the perfect activity to do, or perfect attendance.Can't make a session, need to arrive late, or leave early? That's okay! Come whenever is good for you. I know there are a lot of things competing for our attention, especially as we get closer to summer. Any time for recreation and community is worth it!I also encourage you to join in whatever way is good for you - call from your phone if you want to be mobile, leave your video off if you don't want anyone to see you practice; whatever feels good and is practical for you is fine.

Get notified.

Sign up below to be notified of future Rec Room sessions!

Thank you.

Thanks for signing up!You'll be getting an email to confirm your subscription (so the email gods know that I really do have your permission to email you).Looking forward to seeing you in a future Rec Room!P.S. If you know anyone else that might be interested in Rec Room, please share it with them!

Contact Me

Have questions or need flexible pricing, use the form below to get in touch!